Oh Geez Another Sneeze Pass The Damn Kleenex Please!

It’s bad enough to have a summer cold but I’m chomping at the bit to record my latest cover song. I was working on a few rough spots/ transitions really. I had it pretty ironed out and I was about ready to record the song on SoundCloud when it, hit me!  The fingers are willing and able but the voice not so much… I’m working on the most awesome Roger Hodgson song called “Hide In Your Shell”. If you have never heard this song then you are missing out! I was a teen when this song first became part of me. I don’t know why I never tried to play it then. I suppose I thought it too difficult to do. It’s very complex and vocally challenging for an alto like me.

In my late 20’s and early 30’s, this song helped me through some of my darkest years. I could identify with this song on such a personal level. Maybe because the lyric suggests that you aren’t alone in your darkest hours? Possibly the idea that someone else can really relate to your struggles and understand you? Or maybe it’s the notion that someone could desire to really know you that is comforting. I have shed many tears over the years while listening to this song!IMG_0189

I spent a decade of my life in divorce hell. I was a single Mom raising three beautiful girls, taking care of my mother who was ill. My ex -husband was always taking me to court to try to gain custody of the kids to get out of having to pay child support. It was grueling and damned expensive and it took a decade and thousands of dollars to resolve!  Just a living hell!!! Anyway, this song helped me through. I suppose it rather gives you permission to let down and let go of pent up emotions and struggles.  I appreciated it then, beyond words…

Now here I am in my 50’s and I find that this song allows me to feel hopeful inspite of  painful loss of many family members throughout the years. So, it really is a hopeful and inspiring song! Having said all of this, I hope to do the song justice to the best of my ability. When I finish this project, I will have a sense of peace!

I thought about doing a montage of Roger Hodgson songs and posting them to my Facebook page. I would love to thank this man, (in my own way), for his brillant compositions/ contributions to music history.  Who am I ? Just a fan with an appreciation for every nuiance and inflection in his music.

So I would say this to Roger Hodgson if I could, I want to know you!





Oh Geez, Another Sneeze, Pass The Kleenex Please!

There are days when I feel as old as these dinos. Especially when I caught some really pesky, nasty cold somewhere. Miserable but still functioning! Kleenex… Gotta love it!

Since I can’t sing…voice is pretty much gone due to my cold… I worked on songs that I can just play. I recorded them on SoundCloud. Here are the links…
Don’t Leave Me Now- Written by Roger Hodgson
Here is a YouTube Link to Roger Hodgson performing this song live. This is such an awesome performance…just wow!
Don’t Leave Me Now
I wrote a prior blog post about this artist… Still, he is a genius and an incredible artist! I love the genuine emotion and depth of feeling he imparts to his lyrics. In my better daydreams, I long to meet this musical genius! I wonder what it would be like to sit and have a conversation with him. I’d love to understand better how he thinks and what inspires him to write. I would marvel at watching his creative process if, I was ever so fortunate to have the opportunity. For whatever reason, I totally ” get” his music. It speaks to my heart.

Remember These? Derrick and the Dominos, Thunderclap Newman, Pink Floyd

Us And Them
This was my Mom’s favorite song that I covered as a kid. She would ask me to play this for her. I have been thinking about/ missing my mother a lot lately… This is for you Mom!

I miss you Leatrice June Joy Phipps.