I Put A spell On You The Cats’ Perspective 

I was playing with my iMovie app and I came up with this Cat Video. This is my first time using iMovie on my new iPad so bare with me… I so love my kitties and they know it!

The music is mine. I arranged, sang and played the music. My friend Kathleen Webb mixed the music for me and sent me the iCloud link.

Just fun! Have a great weekend!



Leave No Stone Unturned

         Have a seat! If you were to come for a visit, this is where we would sit to chat…Not fancy but comfortable enough. 

Can you believe all of the people dying of late in the entertainment industry??? I along with many of you, am feeling very vulnerable! Most recently Glenn Fry of the Eagles. David Bowie!!!! For some reason his passing devastated me. Laid me out for a couple of days and I didn’t know him personally. All of a sudden, the reality of age is becoming prevalent. I didn’t think about how old we are all becoming. The pressure is increasing to achieve the things on the bucket list. To leave an indelible mark upon this earth! What a way to start off the New Year…I’m still trying to pull myself out of this funk!

I’m not ready to give up on my dream of doing something in music. Today I finally have some time to devote to writing. I have decided that I want to write a CD’s worth of original songs. It would be my dream to professionally record them! That is how I want to leave my indelible mark upon this earth, through my own original songs.

Here is my start toward that CD!..here are the SoundCloud Links to my originals!

Something More Than Nothing 

Lost In The Game

Who Controls The Stars
Here are the YouTube video links to these originals…

Something More Than Nothing

Lost In The Game

Who Controls The Stars
I have put a lot of effort, heart and soul into my music. These are truly a reflection of my spirit. I really enjoy songwriting!

All of this death and dying reminds me that we aren’t guaranteed time here. Time to tell those you love, how you feel about having them near and dear. Not only family and friends, those who have touched your life, even if you don’t know them! Teachers, mentors, bosses, you get the point. I’m going to write those fan letters to all of my favorite artists before it’s too late! The artists themselves, may not even care much about that letter. Who cares! If it means something to you to tell them how much something touched you heart, say it!  If they appreciate hearing  your kind words, all the better. Live your life in a no regrets state of being. Tie up the loose ends and keep em that way! “Leave no stone unturned”!

Have a great Tuesday!


Momentary Lapse Can Tank Your Path Choose Love

This guy really surprised me! He was sunning himself along the bank of our neighborhood pond. I spotted him as I was jogging by. I just had to get a closer look! I knew we had turtles in the pond. I took my G-Kids there specifically to look at the baby turtles last year or so. I was surprised to see them so big! Another turtle was also there until he heard me and dove back into the water. I love that these turtles have grown up and are big now. You can’t tell but I would say this guy is about the size
of a salad plate. Don’t you just love that my scale of measure is in dinnerware lol. This little friend is adorable and I’m glad to know that we have these creatures in the neighborhood to go visit!
Our local high school had a bit of unfortunate publicity on Friday. National attention was given to a picture that a group of girls posted spelling out a racial slur. I’m not even going to dignify the word by telling you what it is. I will tell you how sad this is for our community! So much bad press for our little town. This happens to be the school that Zoe will be attending come next fall. This community is very diverse in cultures and ethnicity! Hard to believe that these preppy looking gals would put these letters together to spell this, then pose with smiles on their faces! The parents of these girls must be so upset. I hear that these gals lost their scholarships and face possibly being expelled!
I have lived here for 11 or so years now. Although I know Ahwatukee to be culturally, diverse – I have heard the words All White Tukee murmured in jest and jokingly. I suppose this is the misconception of our community. Look around town and you will see how diverse! I’m embarrassed by the thoughtless actions of these kids. With social media clamoring for these unfortunate moral judgement mistakes I see how quickly this became so widely known! One horrible lapse in judgement can blow up your slated path! I’m sure these girls aren’t laughing now, what a shame!

I Believe In Love, written by Elton John.