Seeking Prosperity And Something More…

My cover of Saturday In The Park. On this, the last day of July. I had fun finishing this up. It was a real challenge for me because for whatever reason, I had a few missing chords. I really had to listen and pick the rough spots apart. I did finally get it! I love this song mostly because it’s upbeat and happy. Although if you look at it from the writers perspective, he was on the outside looking in and could have been very lonely? Glass half full, glass half empty take your pick.

A dear friend turned me on to a movie available for view on Netflix called the “Secret”. It was a very interesting movie based on the Law Of Attraction. A whole philosophy mind you, on getting what you want in life. It really motivates you to tweak/ change your thinking to attract those things your heart really desires. By eliminating the negative mind speak, we can change the course of our lives through positive thinking. Replacing the negative with a clear and personal visual manifesto creation of what we truly desire. This movie also gives you permission to want and ask for “things” and money for yourself. I love the message and concept here. I urge you all to watch it!

As I was walking yesterday, this affirmation came to me clearly. Everything I touch, there I will prosper! Everything that comes to me, I will make better! I’ve decided that is exactly the mind speak that portraits the life I want to lead. I would love to hear about your success with these very ideas and principals! Have a great day! Oh and, what is it that you truly want and desire for your life? Take time out to really ponder this. As my friend and Mom would always tell me ” be careful of what you want, you might get it ! “


I Believe In Love…I Wish The World Worked This Way

I can’t tell you the countless times this philosophy has burned me. The older I get the more cynical I find that I am becoming. In my younger years I was told to take off my rose colored glasses. I refused to adhere to that kind of cynicism. Then that education leading to my PhD in life experience started coming to me and well maybe you realize the wisdom after a few hard knocks.

Have a great day!


YouTube, You’re Great! Revolutionary And Riveting Quite Literally…


My husband is amazing! He fixed my car for me last night. He replaced the fan assembly, a radiator hose and a thermostat for me. He also recharged my Air Conditioner. He learned how to do this by watching YouTube videos! He did a great job and saved us a ton of money! The car appears to be running fine! Can you imagine that this all came from YouTube!

I use You Tube for entertainment purposes to both watch and post music videos. My daughter also has learned various craft projects and nail art from watching YouTube. What an truly amazing wealth of information is shared here. Revolutionary! Thank you YouTube! We love and appreciate you!

Here are a few of the music videos that I have posted on YouTube. The first is my own original song . The others are cover videos of various songs/ artists that I do.

I’m still set of trying to make money doing what I love. Not so sure if I’m marketable. Could be that ship has sailed…

Funny story…Howard and I watched a reality show with Gordon Ramsey in which he goes into a failing hotel and he helps the owners with a makeover to success… Anyway, this particular owner was an older lady who would barrage her hotel guests by trying to sing. She set up a stage,mic and soundtracks in the dining room and other various locations throughout the hotel. This woman couldn’t sing and she was the only one who didn’t know it! The guests were polite but laughing under their breath. I was so embarrassed for this poor woman! Then I realized, maybe this is me! Maybe this is exactly me! OMG, God help me, I’m that woman, holy crap!

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup? It’s 114 outside! Who Eats This?


Ok, so clearly I must be nuts. It’s beyond hot outside but I’m standing over a huge pot of chicken stock making soup? My family craves soup. My husband and youngest daughter could eat soup with every meal. For whatever reason, I don’t make soup as often as they would like. I guess I’m not as taken with soup as they are. I’m a salad person. When It’s hot, I crave cool salads, California rolls and fruit lol. Maybe frozen yogurt and ice cream too.
This next week our forecast is calling for temps over 112 all week! I’m not sure exactly why, but I lose all of my enthusiasm for cooking when the thermometer reaches 108 or more. Lol no ambition for cooking what so ever! Unfortunately ,that doesn’t mean I don’t have to cook.

Guess it’s time to break out the cookbooks and see if I can plan and put together some good dinners. I think I’ll use my crockpot. That will help keep the house cooler. So back to the Slow Cooker cookbook I go to see if I can find some recipes to keep dinner somewhat interesting. I find myself slipping into a funk. Summers are harsh here! Only 3 more months of the intense heat! So much for our monsoon season! So far nothing more than a lot of blowing dust…I guess I shouldn’t complain about the heat, at least I don’t have to shovel it.

Hopefully I can go for my power walk in the early am. I have found that if I don’t get out the door for my walk by 7 am, it’s too hot to go. This am at 6, it was too hot to go! So I didn’t go. I have to move and get my blood going or I get lethargic and I feel sluggish. I’m finding hot flashes interesting when it’s hot already. Lol…

This particular cover song has the most views on my YouTube Channel and on SoundCloud. It’s my most popular cover. I love this old song from the 1980’s movie, Eddie and The Cruisers. John Cafferty is still sexy and still making money doing what he loves! I really enjoy playing this cover, Tender Years. I hope it brings back some fun memories.

The Savant In Me, Songs From My Childhood That I Could Just Play…

I posted this late on Sunday. Thought I would try to post it again.




Some days all I want is a few hours to myself to play, “the keys to my happiness.” This is my new pet name for my keyboard. I can’t tell you the enjoyment I get out of just playing. I could get lost for hours and sometimes I do! It is so relaxing to just sit and play the piano in my little bedroom/ studio. My little Mom cave…

I have included some SoundCloud tracks of just my instrumental acoustic songs. They are covers of songs I grew up with. One is a compilation of songs from the 70’s. Derrick and the Dominos, Layla, Thunderclap Newman’s
Something In The Air, and a Pink Floyd song from Dark Side Of The Moon.

Us and Them holds a special place in my heart. My Mom absolutely loved this song. She was so impressed that I learned this. She would ask me to…

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The Savant In Me, Songs From My Childhood That I Could Just Play…

Some days all I want is a few hours to myself to play, “the keys to my happiness.” This is my new pet name for my keyboard. I can’t tell you the enjoyment I get out of just playing. I could get lost for hours and sometimes I do! It is so relaxing to just sit and play the piano in my little bedroom/ studio. My little Mom cave…

I have included some SoundCloud tracks of just my instrumental acoustic songs. They are covers of songs I grew up with. One is a compilation of songs from the 70’s. Derrick and the Dominos, Layla, Thunderclap Newman’s
Something In The Air, and a Pink Floyd song from Dark Side Of The Moon.

Us and Them holds a special place in my heart. My Mom absolutely loved this song. She was so impressed that I learned this. She would ask me to play it for her. She always wanted me to play this for people. I think I was 15 when I learned this.

Lastly, this still is one of my favorite songs to play, Fool’s Overture. This was a very complex song to play. I believe I learned this also at about 15. I think this was rather a savant like experience…wasn’t a lot of learning involved, I Fool’s Overturejust could play it.

As I mentioned before, I have been playing the piano since I was four.One of my early childhood memories is the look of almost terror on my Mom’s face. At age four I began playing a song that my sister who was twelve had been practicing. My Mom came into the room to compliment my sister and instead found me at the keys. Scared the heck out of her and me too! I thought something was wrong with me!

* I recently researched savantism…Found out it is a form of autism…this might explain some of my challenges/ deficits in school. I had a heck of a hard time with what they called “New” math. I have math phobia to this day! All kidding aside, I believe this was my learning issue as a kid. I wish I had known this!

Christmas In July? Now,I Get It!


I used to wonder why all the hoopla about Christmas In July? It has become quite a recognizable, even looked forward to occurance! QVC has a whole weekend devoted to previewing their Christmas inventory. Catalog distributors have also jumped on this bandwagon. To further perpetuate this consumer based plug, the Hallmark Channel is televising Christmas movies right now! Hobby Lobby is already displaying many Christmas goods.

I have come to the conclusion that this is successful because most of us, me included, love Christmas! We love whatever Christmas represents to us. We are yearning for that feeling of goodwill year round. Christmas reminds us to be kind to each other and to care about the other guy. It’s a feeling of anticipation and satisfaction with our lives that we crave. So essentially this consumer driven need to feel good propels this campaign to sell Christmas stuff in July. No judgement if you happen to enjoy this. Truth be told, I have fun with it too! I like the idea of getting ready for the holidays. It reminds me to plan ahead. I have so many people in my family that it behooves me to start shopping early and I do!

I love all of the holidays. If you know me, than you know that I decorate my house for all of the major holidays including Chinese New Year! I am a big “Seasons” person. I enjoy acknowledging each for it’s unique, distinct, ambience inducing perspective in my home! Isn’t that what we hope to create when we decorate our homes? If you are practical and organized you also understand the financial advantages to pre- planning Christmas. Decor and gifts can be separate priorties! So ok, I get it! Christmas in July, it works…
On that note, I’ll leave you with my notes …
Surely I can capitalize on this too lol? Have a great day!
I have been watching QVC ‘s Christmas In July campaign this weekend. They do a terrific job of moving inventory. I have to admit they do a wonderful job of displaying and presenting their goods!

Too busy for Birthday Cake? The Lives We Live…


Yesterday Britt’s boys, (my grandsons) came over to help me bake her ” Birthday Cake”. We had a great time although I rather took over the project per their instruction. The boys were creative consultants as they had good ideas about how it should look and of course taste…

Meet the teacher night and homework precluded Britt from being able to come back for a slice of her birthday cake! If you know my daughter than you know this speaks volumes about her dedication to finishing up her degree. It was cute, every now and again last night, she would text me about her cake. She would tell me she wanted a piece. I assured her that I wouldn’t eat it lol and that I could bring it to her today! So cute!

This gal is always going! She never has a free minute to just relax. She has things scheduled every minute of her life lol. Bless her heart, shes a tough gal! It amazes me what she can accomplish and juggle! All of it with four kids!

I Can’t Believe My Daughter Is 30 Today…



This beautiful gal Brittany is 30 today! Where the heck does the time go? I blinked and she’s 30? This is a reality check, makes me feel old. When I think about where I wanted to be with myself at this point in my life, I’m sad. I wanted so much more for myself than what I have accomplished. I keep thinking that I have time… Time is fleeting! Look ,30 years ago I became a Mom… I’m so glad to have been so blessed with my children! I love them all so much!

Surely there is more? Where’s my niche? Where can I excel? What can I do to be compensated? I feel I have given my whole “self” away for free in everything I have done with my life. I know and understand it was my choice to do so. I gave of my time, my energy and my whole heart to my family. This is what I chose to do…I was good at this!

I keep thinking that I must have acquired some marketable skill along the way… I’m beginning to see that my glass is always half full, mentality is deceptive and not accurate in todays job market. I have no more clue how to make myself marketable in this world now,than I did in my 30’s. The reality of being a homemaker for so many years isn’t conducive of producing a career. Overwhelming, arduous and daunting come to mind … Guess I will ponder these thoughts awhile longer or pull the covers up over my head and go back to bed.

I posted my cover of All Of Me last night on Sound Cloud here is the link.

I hope it works, I’ve never tried it.

Have a good day all!

I Really Am A Cat Lady … My BFF’s Clarice And Twinkle



I love my kitties, they are the best friends anyone could hope to have. Twinkle, my black beauty, is eleven years old now. Clarice , my measer is just three. Isn’t it funny that even your pets acquire pet names? My Twinkle is very sophisticated and mature in nature so I call her Twinkle Darling. Clarice is rather bitey and extremely playful. I refer to her often as Nippity Snipitity. Her beautiful color reminds me of Reese’s peanut butter cups .She is lovingly known as Reese’s.

These precious felines always have a loving glance to impart when our eyes meet. They don’t judge me no matter how boring I am. They are content to just sit with me for hours at a time. My BFF’s have been known to hold quiet vigil over me when I’m sick. Sometimes, I’m even lucky enough to receive sweet little cat kisses on my hand. It is amazingly comforting to feel the rumbling vibration of a purring happy cat!

I have been very fortunate to have known and loved many great cats in my lifetime. Every kitty is unique and endearing. I love them and they know it! I hate having to say good-bye to them. I have mourned the loss of many of my cat friends. They truly are family members to me. If we all really do get to enjoy an afterlife, I really hope to be reunited with all of my cat and dog BFF’s!

R.I.P Prince Charming…see you on the other side!