Rubbing The Belly For Good Fortune…

As you can see, we happen to like budda. Zoe and I hung out with him and rubbed his belly for good luck. We went to a local Asian market at Mekong Plaza. I should have taken pictures. This market is huge and full of wonderful spices, meats, teas, inscense, fish. It is a beautiful place. We enjoyed dinner at the Mekong Center last Friday.
Yesterday was quiet so I took the opportunity to record a few songs on SoundCloud. Lost In The Game
Something More Than Nothing




We had a busy weekend! I was glad that I had a chance to spend some time with daughter Delcee and her little family! I watched the kids for Delcee so that she and hubby Sam, could have an evening out together.
I made bread pudding for dessert. Korbin and Kadee are sweet little characters! Korbin told me that bread pudding reminds him of pumpkin pie. He liked it!
Today, I am hanging out with these two charming guys, Tom and Nate


Mom is interning at the law firm and these boys are on fall break. So Gram is going to hang with them today! The weather is cooling off a little so I think McDonalds and the park are on the agenda for today! Yesterday was Nate’s B-Day so I think icecream at Dairy Queen might be fun too!
Have a great day, whatever you do!

Interest Coming From The Philippines? Who Knew?

I am writing to you today from a computer. This is something that I have never done. I usually write and post my blogs from an iPad. This is new to me and I’ll tell you that I can type much faster on a computer!

As I sit here, I am staring out the window at my backyard lawn. We reseeded a few days ago and I am seeing a few hundred birds feasting on the lawn seed. I am tired of banging on the window to get them to leave! Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can keep birds off of my freshly seeded lawn? They seriously are just feasting out there!

l had an an interesting message yesterday from a gal that works for GMA Network from the Philippines. They are doing a feature story on John Legend and they want to use my All Of Me cover video in their story. They asked my permission to use the video. Of course I researched to see all that I could about this network. They are huge! I was excited and flattered! My only request in return is for them to send me a link or something in which to view the finished segment! I have not heard back. I am assuming that they are using mine to show how many cover videos of All Of Me are out there. When I posted mine, I couldn’t even find it on YouTube. It was burried in a sea of All Of Me Covers. I was impressed that they could even stumble upon mine lol. Anyway, I was flattered for a minute. I did however see a dramatic increase of views of that cover. Like 100 views in 2 days! Everytime I look there are more! It’s been fun to see that . I do hope they send me a link to the story! They are airing the story this Sunday.

I looked at the video and thought oh my gosh, it’s the worst camera work ever! I wonder what they could want with that? lol I so want to redo it and post a new one! I think it is too late as the segment will air Sunday. Darn! 
Lol oh my goodness this is dorky! Oh well…

Yesterday I did as I said I would. I posted my Lost In The Game video on YouTube.

Today if I get some time I will try to redo this silly All Of Me video and see if I can’t get a better quality video for view lol.

Whatever you do, Have a great day! Have some fun!

Dreams Must Be Realized In Your Head!

I’ve been working hard in my little music studio this week. I wrote an intro to my original, Lost In The Game. It was yet another one of those moments that you really feel inspired! It came together and I was thrilled. I knew something had been missing from this song and, this was it! For a few weeks now every time I would sit down to play, this piece would start to come out lol. Not kidding, bits and pieces would come. I thought it was the beginning to a new song but then it just came together as the intro to Lost In The Game… I am loving this intro…

Lost In The Game

I also worked on and recorded an old favorite that is near and dear to my heart…
Casual Conversations written by Rick Davies

I hope to find some time today to get myself together enough to record a video of Lost In The Game for my YouTube channel. I’ve come to find that posting videos on YouTube is an extremely laborious effort! Oh my goodness are they ever. I get hung up on how I look and the whole production of it… When I post to SoundCloud I can sit there in Jammie’s and record… Lol. don’t think that I have actually done that but I could!

I’m never happy with YouTube Videos. I always feel like the iPad adds pounds to me. The lighting and color of my studio stinks… Just not happy with how it all looks. I suppose that I could repaint my room but I’m not feeling inspired to do that. I do all of this because…? I’m sometimes not sure. I just feel compelled to leave something of myself to music. I feel compelled that if I don’t try to do something with this ability I was given, it would be wasted. Then again, I’m beginning to think that maybe it was just intended for me to enjoy. A personal experience between me and the Universe/ God.

Until I’m sure of the why, I will keep plugging away until I feel I have either exhausted myself or I make it somewhere in this. Which ever comes first. I will not ever have to answer to ” What did you do with this ability that I gave you ? ” I will be able to say that I really tried to do, ” Something More Than Nothing” with it God!

My dream and my goal is to put together enough originals to make an album. Howard, challenged me to see if I could acquire fans and financial support to do this. He told me about this website called, FundMe. He encouraged me to write up a project and post it. So, I figured why not.. He told me a story about how some guy wrote a project to learn how to make potato salad. Apparently the guy did extremely well with this… Lol.

Mine is not a hardship story, I simply aspire to record my originals in a professional sound studio with full arrangement! I can imagine what that would feel like! What it would be to be able to listen to what you created realized, glorified, enhanced to it’s finest, full potential. I want this so much! That in itself would be thrilling and amazing…–A-Life-Long-Dream

Part of me detests stuff like this just as much as you do! I’m not one to ask for help! I simply need to know also where I stand in all of this. My husband is sure this should prove to me where I stand. He all along this journey has been convinced that I’m fooling myself. He doesn’t like my music and has told me so. He tells me that he doesn’t get my music. He’s forever trying to change my style of music and tells me to get hip and contemporary. “Play more modern stuff” he’s always telling me. The music that comes out of me is this… This is what flows through me! This is what I have to give/ contribute. I’m not even sure what you would define my genre as…

I can’t even get angry that my husband doesn’t like my music. At first I was so hurt! Then, I realized that music is so subjective! We all have our personal preference. So, it’s ok. I will continue along my path. If my dreams and goals are never realized, at least I had some!

Betty Crocker, Your’e Off Your Rocker, What Are You Thinking!?

Welcome, this is how I choose to sit and talk with my friends. Come sit with me on the couch and lets chat! This is how I began my week. A good friend of mine came over for a couple of hours on Tues. and we just had a great conversation. I love spending time with friends like this!

I was fortunate that I got to spend Thursday with Lizzy and Aaron. Britt was doing interning at the law office. These lovelies were terrific for me and I enjoyed every minute with them!


Zoe had her BFF Paige stay the weekend with us. We took them to dinner last night and then to pick out doughnuts. Not just any doughnuts, Krispy Kremes! These are the best doughnuts on the planet in my opinion. We don’t have them often but oh boy are they ever scrumptious and decadent!



I saw this in my travels this week ( just to the grocery store lol)
This is not how I want to frost my cookies…( just sayin)

None of this looks

IMG_5701.JPG at all appetizing to me! I understand that taste and tastebuds are subjective but Ewww!
What are they thinking? If I have offended any of you, I apologize! Drop me a line and tell me so! Who knows, maybe I will give this a try to see what it really is like! If I do, you can bet I will report back to you on this.
I find it interesting that food companies are becoming so adventurous! Major brands are challenging consumers to try new things. Lays with the create your flavor of chips campaign…Cappuccino flavored chips? REALLY?!
What about the strange flavors of Oreo cookies available. Watermelon, Sherbert, Candy Corn and now Pumpkin? Are we the consumers bored with the products we have become accustomed to? Or is this just a marketing ploy to draw attention to a product? Either way, I suppose it is gives us variety and new taste treats to try.
Regardless, I’m always a sucker for trying a new twist to an old product. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend, whats left of it!
Ps. Let me know what you find out there that is different and trending. I would love to hear about it!


Two Year Old Left Unattended By Drug Impaired Father, Falls Into Fire.



This story is hard for me to tell. Everytime I think of this it makes my blood boil. I get so pardon the expression, Pissed Off! This is my beautiful Granddaughter, Elizabeth June. She is four years old now. The pic in the pool was taken just a few days ago on our vacation. The featured pic of her on the swing was taken right before the tragic misfortune and she was two. I’m going to tell this story from my Gram perspective. I’m sure my daughter Britt has her own…

Britt had just gone through divorce. Her ex had serious drug impairment/ addiction issues for which he chooses not to address. In court this was known and the judge had set up supervised visitation for him. His parents were to be supervising his visits with the children at their home. The ex lived with his parents. Britts’ three kids…

View original post 1,733 more words

Indelible And Incredible, Ink Your Life!

A while back I think that I wrote a post about leaving your mark upon this earth? Well this is my own personal way of doing just that. I had my first original song copywrited! For some reason this was so extremely important for me personally to do! It is copywrited and entered into the Library of Congress. Which, for whatever reason makes my heart sing! As I said, this is my way of leaving my mark…

If you are interested, Here are some links to this original…
Something More Than Nothing
(violin piece)
Latest version

I have so many reasons for wanting to do this you have no idea! A very deep down to the core reason of which I won’t speak about. Intensely personal…but very poignant and relevant to the lyrics of this song…A terrific sense of validation.

Also, I mentioned to you in an earlier post about my father being unable to
complete writing his book due to his decline with Dementia. Watching my Dad yearn to finish his thought process, propelled this need in me to do more with my life. Possibly also this particular stage of my life… My kids are all accomplishing their education and I don’t want to live vicariously through them! I want and need to have my own set of accomplishments. Even if they are not realized by this world as such.

This whole music thing that I am trying to make happen for myself, is all so personal. It is genuine and authentic to me, since I was just a little kid! If I never get anywhere with it, if the universe, (lol) doesn’t recognize me …
I will have been genuine to myself in putting it out there! This I feel passionate about… Personal validation is critical!

I urge all of you who read this to make this a priority in your own lives. What are you passionate about? What really means something to you? Find whatever that thing is and throw yourself at it or into it! When you are genuine and authentic to yourself, inner peace starts to permeate through you. Genuine happiness begins to emerge from the core of your being…confidence and a sense of well being take over your life. Replacing doubt and inner unrest. Life becomes this incredible journey toward….? You have to decide the ?, goal.

I’m learning that I am not defined but anyone, anything or any wrong decision that I have made. It’s a journey and navigation process through this thing called life. You can be the creator, the orchestrator just pick something that you want to accomplish and work toward that. Make your life purposeful! Also realize that the journey, the quest, is the real reward! Isn’t a purposeful life what we all want and strive for? That is our right of passage here on earth for everyone, I believe.

Money is great to have while here on earth but we don’t get to take it with us! I remember this real epiphany I had after my Mom died. The finality of life was so in my face as she was the closest person ever to me, to pass away. I recall thinking to myself as I was surrounded by her belongings…”She didn’t even take her lipstick!” Such a strange but humbling thought.

So to be cliche and use this phrase, Carpe Diem …( Seize The Day! ) Time Is fleeting so leave your indelible mark upon this earth! You will be happy that you did no matter how small a contribution others perceive it to be!

* The copyright process is straight forward. Did mine all online through the U. S. Copyright Office. Cost me $35.00. The feeling of accomplishment is well worth the money!


Halloween, The Spooky, High Spirited Holiday Is Just Around The Corner…

Although it isn’t quite time for Halloween, I dug out the bins of Halloween decor that reside in the garage most of the year. I think I am still missing some in the garage somewhere. This will bug me enough to prompt another in depth search through…stuff! Order is still needed in the garage as we put off the project last weekend.
I’m not sure yet how I will utilize the decor that I have. That just comes together year to year. These pics are from previous years… I love to celebrate and decorate for every holiday. Including Chinese New Year. My husband is Vietnamese so technically they celebrate Tet rather than Chinese New Year… That will be a future Blog post lol.

Halloween has become one of my favorite holidays! I love everything it conjurers up in your imagination! From the possibility of paranormal activity, to the whimsical and fun tradition of dressing up and passing out candy.
Carving pumpkins is still fun and I will be carving them even when my youngest leaves the nest. I have seven grandkids now. I decorate for them too. I want them to remember Gram’s house as being a fun place that had a different feel every season/ holiday. My Gram didn’t decorate for the seasons. My Mom didn’t either but somewhere along the way, I decided that I wanted to. It’s my “thing” I guess. My husband tolerates my enthusiasm for this at Christmas but he’s not wild about it the rest of the year.



Front yard last Halloween…

Backyard and Party set up last year…




This image was conjured up for Zoe’s age group of kids that like to be scared… A different get together than the G-Kids..


The spooks come alive at night…




And finally, these are a few of the craft projects I have made for the occasion throughout the years. From centerpieces to wreaths. Several other craft projects are pictured in other photos here.



I have to say that this last, final image, really puts me in the Halloween spirit!
It was taken in our yard through my favorite, majestic mesquite tree.

It’s not too early to think about a possible Halloween project! This fall holiday is all in good fun! Even if you just do a little something to note the spirit of Halloween…you will enjoy that you did. Brings out the kid in all of us!

Music Is The Gateway To Your Soul. Listen, Often!



I worked on a few songs yesterday. I recorded them on SoundCloud, here are the links.

Guitar Man
Could It Be Magic

I wrote a fan letter to the band the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. I got this email back, which I thought was very nice…

Thanks for the honor of a Daredevils song by your version on Youtube. We sent it on to Larry Lee, the song writer and singer of the original. It would be great if the band could get a show in Phoenix. Not real likely as they seem to be staying closer to home these days. It really takes an interested venue owner or promoter to want to book the band, and that is done through an agency. We haven’t much control over the booking.

If you want to see the band in concert the best way to do that is purchase the reunion DVD set that we have. It’s a great production and you can see them right in your own living room.

Check it out when you have time. Merchandise

Thanks again and best wishes,

New Era Productions for The OMDs

In a message dated 9/7/2014 10:08:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Hi, my name is Tyna. Just wanted to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed your music throughout the years! I have a real appreciation for your collaborative efforts. Thanks for the wonderful music!
I cover one of your songs, ” You Know Like I Know “. I do this from my spare room, not making money! Just appreciate this beautiful song. Here is the link to my cover… This is my interpretation, I don’t read music so I learned this by ear many years ago. The original of this song is beautiful!
Any chance of seeing you in Phoenix, AZ? Wild Horse Pass is a popular venue bands from your era play at…just saw Roger Hodgson there.
Hope to see you live one day.

With warm regards and great appreciation,
Tyna J. Metzner
Sent from my iPad
=Here is the link to the original song by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils…You Know Like I Know
I hope on this day, September 11, 2014 not only do we reminisce about the history but look to the future for hope. Take some time to listen to some music that you love and just reflect . I promise, you will feel better!

Music is the gateway to your soul…


Hurricane Norbert Catches Phoenix Unaware And Unprepared, Record Breaking Rainfall!


Well we were told to expect some rain but what we got was a record breaking, crazy amount! I live in an area of the Phoenix Valley named Ahwatukee. We got almost 5 inches of rain in about 5 hours. The governor issued a state of emergency… When it pours in AZ watch out! The soil has baked for months and is beyond hard so water can’t be absorbed. Add the run off from South Mountain and you have this mess!IMG_5652.JPG
This is a wash that is usually dry as a bone on my walking route. Today it looks like a river with falls! Amazing. This is what I saw today on my morning walk through my neighboorhood. It was very dramatic weather with a lot of thunder and lightning. We are all tired as we didn’t sleep much with all of the noise and lightning. Not to mention our dog who hates storms making a ruckus! Hope this area dries out ok…

Have a great rest of your day all!IMG_5651.JPG

Fall Ambience, It’s An Illusion For Now In Phoenix, AZ…


As you can see, I love fall. The weather here feels nothing like fall it’s still HOT! I live in Phoenix, AZ. I grew up back east and have wonderful memories of what fall really does feel like. I do however enjoy trying to inspire that fall feeling with fall decor and the flavors of fall. Along with dragging out the fall decor, I made a pumpkin pie. My family doesn’t enjoy pumpkin pie . I do however lol. The house smelled like fall as I was baking the pie. The following pic is my favorite fall cake to bake…

Just as with spring cleaning, I do fall cleaning. Here in AZ we get terrible dust storms in the summer. After the monsoon season is over, everything needs a good cleaning. So I will be cleaning and reorganizing things for awhile. We are hoping to get the tail end of hurricane Norbert from Mexico, today. We have garage clean up on the agenda for today. Not my favorite way to spend a Sunday but needed!

As you can see, I haven’t much to write about today, it’s an action day. If you saw my garage you would think us hoarders. Maybe we are closet hoarders… Between his tools and my seasonal stuff, quite possible! Hopefully I can end my day feeling like I accomplished some organization!
Whatever you do today, have some fun! Even if you just snack while sitting on the couch watching football!IMG_5643.JPG
