New Year New Hope And Plenty Of Loops And Lanterns

Happy New Year’s Eve! I’m ready for 2016. A new fresh start! Who’s with me on this? Out with the old and in with the new! Back in the day when my mother was alive, she would be insistent on getting all of Christmas put away before the New Year. She would say it was bad luck to have your tree up for New Years. That was also back in the day when real trees were all you had and by now they were dried up fire hazards! So, I won’t be taking down the Christmas decor until next week.

We will be laying low for the most part… We are going to Talking Stick Resort for a nice buffet dinner this evening however. We love a good casino buffet and Talking Stick delivers. Other than that, like a lot of you we will be at home watching the ball drop. We do however make a wish and let one of these go… Sky Lanterns are awesome!!

We have done them a few times now and they are mesmerizing. A very nice way to bring in the New Year! We have a no burn day so no fire pit fires this eve! 

I love New Year’s Eve for the reflection and, the making of new goals. I’m grateful for the promise and fresh start of a New Year! 

I had a few hours yesterday to use my new equipment. I got a PA speaker to run my vocals through. I had been running my vocals and my keyboard through my  Roland amp. It is a different sound for sure since now, they are separate. I kind of feel like the vocals sound like I’m in a barrel… I am hoping to get used to the new sound! I had fun revisiting my original music!

Trying out my new toys! Santa was good to me and I am hoping to get good enough to pay him back in some way! Practice…I would like nothing more than to be able to make money with music in someway…

YouTube video ▶️ Lost In The Game
 My original, Lost In The Game

Trial and lots of error…fun, you bet! Hours of fun! 

I know, don’t quit your day job…I am reminded of this every minute, trust me! 

Sometimes in life, their is a vast distance between our desire, ability and, reality… I believe as with most of life, the mental realities are the hardest to except and overcome. Dreams/desires are very personal and subjective. All art forms are subjective just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The trick it to find enough people willing to listen and support your endeavors. Something that I have not been very successful in finding here! 

This original near and dear to me, makes me smile every time I play it. It reminds me that I CAN create music not just cover it. It is an awesome feeling to write/ compose. When I play my originals, I like them! I’m proud of them! I feel they are authentic to me and a genuine representation of my spirit! I hope to do a lot of writing this year. If for no other purpose than to fulfill my personal desire to do so! Right now all of this is just a hobby…like painting, or sewing…an outlet for stress relief and creativity. It keeps me sane! 

I watched an interesting documentary  the other day,about studio musicians in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. They are the unsung heros, (pardon the pun), of music history. They are some of the best musicians you will ever hear! They made music great! Many times, actually most of the time, they never got a mention on an album. They were great, awesome contributors to music history! Something most of us didn’t think about when listening to music. They made  the front musicians sound great! They made pretty good money and they were able to stay close to home to raise their families. No noteriarty! No real mention as a contributor! Wow…

Today, so much of music is electronic. So little is actual musicians playing instruments. Such a shame! Digital music, it’s here and present in everything…Looping and Looping…awwwwwww!

I like some of it. I have a 13 year old so I hear a lot of what is trending. She is in love with Fallout Boy right now. She would love to see them here next year. I will probably be taking her to see Fallout Boy lol.  I get a kick out of Elle King! I saw her on Dancing With The Stars performing Ex’s And Oh’s, her catchy, clever single. Love her voice, personna and confidence, so sassy! Genius, clever lyrics! I think she is awesome! I hope to see more from her!

Homemade Soup Thanks Ree Bread Cover All Me

Here is the Bread… Guitar Man written by Bread. My SoundCloud cover ➡️  Guitar Man 


                                                                       Hamburger Soup

This is a recipe from Ree Drummond’s latest cookbook, (see photo below). I am glad that I tried this recipe! I will make this again. I cheated and baked some Pillsbury, Honey Flaky Grands. They were perfect with this soup! 

Hamburger Soup! Delicious recipe! This was really a good hearty soup… I’m glad that I made enough for all of us to have it again for lunch tomorrow. A lot of great veggies in this soup. Three different colors  of bell peppers. Fresh chopped garlic. Celery, onions, red potatoes, a can of whole tomatoes. Parsley, oregano, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper makes this just the right amount of flavorful! So very good! It has been chilly here so this soup was perfect tonight. My husband gets home at about 4:30 pm. We had an early dinner. I am already finished cleaning up. A relaxing a quiet evening is in store! 

Good recipe! I would give it 3 out of 4 stars if I were to rate it. I look forward to trying another recipe from this book.

Cleaning Up The Holiday Splendor 

My husband went back to work today, first day back from a week of holiday. I’m looking for a little Silent Lucidity! 

 Click here for my YouTube cover link ▶️  Silent Lucidity.

I have a few minutes to just sit, drink my coffee, write this post and gather my thoughts!

I have a lot of cleaning up to do as I’m sure a lot of you do after the big holiday! I also have my teen home as we are still on winter break this week. We are pet sitting for a family down the street. We go over and tend to these pets 3 or 4 times a day…this is keeping us busy in itself! Fortunately, these animals are very sweet! 

I look forward to a day soon that I can spend with my keyboard… 

Fool’s Overture  ⬅️click for SoundCloud link!

 *Who Controls The Stars (one of my originals)!                                          

This, is what I really want to be doing…⬆️

Today however, will be about using my cleaning and organizational skills… Cleaning up the Christmas splendor…

 Of which their is plenty! 

  Have a terrific Monday all!                      

Have Tea With Me The Best Is Yet To Be


We are eagerly awaiting the return of Downton Abbey. Would you believe that they sell a Downton Abbey tea service @ Cost Plus Old World Market? They actually sell a tea set and a two tiered server. Assorted teas and biscuits lol.  My 13 year old gave this Downton Abbey tea set for Christmas! It is lovely and will be fun to sip tea with Zoe as we watch the  final episodes in this series. So sad that this is the last season!

Christmas was wonderful this year. Many wonderful memories and changes to our routine. My grown daughters teamed up to make a fabulous family dinner for all of us! Daughter Delcee cooked a prime rib that was out of this world! Baked potatoes, green beans, a salad and luscious potato rolls accompanied this wonderful meal!

Christmas is my husbands birthday as well so it keeps us busy trying to make his birthday special!  My daughter Delcee even made a beautiful Black Forest Cake!

 My husband was touched that my big girls did such a great job making a nice dinner in his honor. I know that it meant a lot to him.

I make it a point to buy a few separate presents for my husband’s birthday. I wrap them in birthday wrapping paper. He opens them in the evening while we are relaxing after dinner. This year, I chose to get him a Spy Drone. Drone with a video camera. He is a big kid at heart so I thought it perfect for him!   

I think he loved getting this… I like shopping QVC! A bit pricey but everything I have bought from QVC is quality merchandise. 

Now for some relaxation!