Oh Geez, Another Sneeze, Pass The Kleenex Please!

There are days when I feel as old as these dinos. Especially when I caught some really pesky, nasty cold somewhere. Miserable but still functioning! Kleenex… Gotta love it!

Since I can’t sing…voice is pretty much gone due to my cold… I worked on songs that I can just play. I recorded them on SoundCloud. Here are the links…
Don’t Leave Me Now- Written by Roger Hodgson
Here is a YouTube Link to Roger Hodgson performing this song live. This is such an awesome performance…just wow!
Don’t Leave Me Now
I wrote a prior blog post about this artist… Still, he is a genius and an incredible artist! I love the genuine emotion and depth of feeling he imparts to his lyrics. In my better daydreams, I long to meet this musical genius! I wonder what it would be like to sit and have a conversation with him. I’d love to understand better how he thinks and what inspires him to write. I would marvel at watching his creative process if, I was ever so fortunate to have the opportunity. For whatever reason, I totally ” get” his music. It speaks to my heart.

Remember These? Derrick and the Dominos, Thunderclap Newman, Pink Floyd

Us And Them
This was my Mom’s favorite song that I covered as a kid. She would ask me to play this for her. I have been thinking about/ missing my mother a lot lately… This is for you Mom!

I miss you Leatrice June Joy Phipps.

Author: tynajoymetzner

I've been a stay at home Mom for many years... I feel that I’ve earned a PhD in life experience! My oldest is 35 and my youngest is 17. This year, I adopted a Granddaughter who is now 8 years old.I’m on a quest to see all that I can be! I am a musician, singer/ songwriter as well. Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWn_VTumL1QLpukYEamtzcg. Look for me on SoundCloud as well! SoundCloud Profile Link-https://soundcloud.com/tyna-j-phipps I would love to make money doing what I love! I enjoy many domestic things as well. I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated.

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