Watch “Us And Them written by Pink Floyd cover by Tyna Joy Metzner” on YouTube

This was my Mom’s favorite of songs that I played as a kid. She would ask me to play it often. Sometimes she would cry. She loved the original by Pink Floyd as well.
My Mom was my biggest fan. She thought I was good enough to really do something! She would be thrilled to know that after many many years, I’m revisiting my musical savant! She would be so happy to know the joy I have found again. I’m trying to get my set list together to audition for a wine

bar here locally. Wish me luck. Making money with my music would be a real kick for me! OMG, my dream come true…


Author: tynajoymetzner

I've been a stay at home Mom for many years... I feel that I’ve earned a PhD in life experience! My oldest is 35 and my youngest is 17. This year, I adopted a Granddaughter who is now 8 years old.I’m on a quest to see all that I can be! I am a musician, singer/ songwriter as well. Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel Look for me on SoundCloud as well! SoundCloud Profile Link- I would love to make money doing what I love! I enjoy many domestic things as well. I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated.

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