YouTube And TikTok Goes The Clock

Christmas Time 2023, let the decorating begin.

So much has been happening that I haven’t had the time to post. A lot of family dynamics good and bad. Busy and a reluctance to bore you lol!

Musically, I’ve been creating more content for my YouTube channel- Shorts have been fun to create as well. You’ll find a variety of content including my home life, cooking/ baking endeavors and my pet besties.

I also have a TikTok account where I post regularly.

I have chosen to create content because, it’s fun! I love experimenting with special effects and music. Another artful and creative outlet that keeps my mind busy.

Please check out my channels! Leave me a message while you’re there! Hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season ❤️.

-patio dwelling-

Planting My ❤️ Garden

I put together a couple of videos using some cover tracks that I made. I’ve decided that putting my home videos and photos with my music is a better way of capturing the essence. Sometimes I tell a story within my videos. I call it audio/video scrapbooking. I’ve posted these videos on my YouTube channel as well as TikTok and my Music Facebook page.

I’m thinking if the general public is somewhat interested then my kids and grandkids will be one day. If not now, then maybe after I’ve left the planet? They are all the stars in my videos. I’ve really enjoyed putting videos together of my life and our get togethers! I know that my son in laws have given me so much sh*! Especially in my early years of putting myself out there on YouTube. I have been the joke of the decade! The razzing turned into a deeply wounding, soul crushing embarrassment for me. It hasn’t stopped me though from putting myself out there and dreaming. The humbling has been deeply embedded in my relationships with them.

I heard all about how people doing silly and ridiculous things on YouTube we’re making a ton of money. While of course this Gram of 8 was putting herself out there musically for free. My savant like oddity of no real interest. I can tell you this, I have so enjoyed the gift! Playing and feeling a spiritual connection has been absolutely amazing. Between me and my maker, it has been the most personal fulfilling experience of my life❤️.

Having recently found out that both of my parents were deeply rooted in musical theater, it all makes sense. The DNA explains my desire to perform music! We are all here to explore our talents and special gifts. I truly believe that DNA has a lot to do with our interests and individuality.

Anyway, here are a few new links to check out. – My Visit Home To The Central Coast Of California

Fool’s Overture The Soundtrack Of My Life And Video Scrapbook

I hope you enjoy my videos. They are authentic and near and dear to me.

I also hope that you are all enjoying whatever makes your heart sing! Find that creative outlet that frees you and defines your spirit! That’s ultimately what we are here for since none of us get to leave the planet with monetary things. We take with us those things within our spirit that define our souls!

Adding some color to the yard…
*Plant your garden where you can see it… The flowers are the fruit you will leave behind and, take with you❤️*

Six NewYouTube Videos On My Channel Creator Overload

I took a whole 2 days in a row to practice and put together 6 new YouTube videos for my channel. It’s fun to be a creator although I haven’t hit their strict metrics for any opportunity to monetize my channel. I haven’t appreciated the fact that although I get many views per month, I haven’t been found eligible to prosper on YouTube. Anyway, it was a terrific feeling to be back to playing and being authentic me!

Here are the new video links to be found on my YouTube channel…

Guitar Man – Cover-

You Know Like I Know –Cover-

Lover Boy -Cover-

Win – Cover-

Escape -My Original Song-

Praying For Time -Cover-

Here is my channel link!

Tyna Phipps @YouTube

It really was a wonderful spirit filled day yesterday!

Yesterday was spirit day at school for this one…For recognition of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies. It’s hard to believe that it has been this long. What a horrible day for all who were alive during this time! Awwww my condolences for all of those who were lost and, for the people that miss them. A moment in history that we will never forget!

Musical Musings Pandemic Pleasure And Treasures

Hi! Hope you are well and getting through this stagnant period of time… The waiting for life to return to normal is very hard for some of us. Others seem to be better at just living. In my family, I have a daughter and her family of four kids who seem to be out there living life almost normally! In fact, my oldest G-kid, is playing in his first high school football game tonight!

Another daughter, has a 10 month old baby and is being very careful. She stays home mostly and limits what her older kids can do. She does however have a serving job which puts her out there in public with many people. She was very sick in December and delivered her baby amidst coughing fits. I was as well right along with her and the rest of her family. We think we all had it through the holidays.

My youngest daughter, an ASU freshman who isn’t reckless but yet trying to live in a dorm. She’s been surrounded by Covid-19 as all of her roommates tested positive. She has remained Covid-19 free! Actually, we are pretty sure that we already had it last year as well. She actually was terribly sick last November. Although early, we are pretty sure she had Covid-19.

The youngest, my 9 year old granddaughter, started in person learning last week! She rides the bus to school with her mask on. I am really hoping that in person learning can be successful and continue throughout the school year. It has been a long and challenging 6-7 months of no friends and online learning for her! I see and feel the loneliness she has endured during the online learning process. She seems to be very happy being with her peers in a classroom setting. Even if it isn’t quite the same…

Waiting for the school bus… Luna and I wait with her.
Luna is getting so tall! She is 5 months old now and we completed all 3 sets of shots. Now she walks with me almost every day!
Don’t let the sad face fool you, she loves to get out and go for walks!
I love fall. It isn’t cool here yet but mornings are pretty nice. I’m glad to have somewhat cooler temps to walk in!
Still too hot for patio dwelling.

I took an opportunity that I had to revisit my music! I was actually able to create a few new videos for my YouTube channel. Here are some links…

The Complete Collection ◀️click here

My Original “Escape”

Tender Years Cover ◀️

My Cover Casual Conversations ◀️

“Something More “ My Original ◀️

Cover Lovers In The Wind ◀️

If you like anything you hear, please subscribe to my YouTube channel! Your support means a whole lot to me as I’m a small fish in a very big YouTube sea! Drop me a comment if you have a minute. I always write back!

My YouTube Channel Link ◀️

Thanks for taking the time to listen!

Sloppy Joe Pizza A Leftover Fusion

I created these out of a need to use up the leftover Spaghetti Sauce I made a few days ago. It was a delicious, flavorful meat sauce. Ground beef and ground pork, onions, Italian seasoning, and garlic all went into making this homemade sauce. I needed to use up the leftover sauce! I had shredded cheese and shredded mozzarella in the deli drawer of my fridge so I thought I would use that as well. Also a bit of pepperoni from a previous pizza night was also on hand. I sliced up some onion because I happen to love onion on pizza.

I’m actually serving this for brunch today. A hearty brunch before we all scatter to do whatever it is that we do today…

These are store bought bolillo rolls. My first choice would have been a big French Bread loaf. My store was out of them this am. I opted for these rolls as a second choice option.
Fresh out of the oven and ready to eat!

This is a good way to use up spaghetti sauce and repurpose it into a different meal. I hate to waste food and this pizza is amazing!

Amelia and I have decided it is an absolutely delicious cross between Pizza and a Sloppy Joe. A fusion of sorts!
I give you, Sloppy Joe Pizza!

I’m planning on working on my “Lovers In The Wind”, cover. Song, witten by Roger Hodgson formerly of Supertramp. I’d love to get a good track to upload to my SoundCloud Channel! I have a few hours today to myself so maybe I can finish this cover up! Look for it on my SoundCloud channel soon!

Here is the link to the teaser I posted on my SoundCloud Channel a few days ago…

Lovers In The Wind Cover ◀️click on the link!

Have a good weekend! I know things are still so messed up with Coronavirus looming around. I still feel like we need to hide out from this enemy. Take care of yourselves and continue to dream big! The battle is mental as well as a physical fight. Keep on dreaming❤️.

In The Eye Of The Beholder

My third grader had a diorama project to do so we carefully planned out our project. We decided to use colorful candy to depict our Ocean theme habitat. We had just recently visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium so this was fun to revisit. I printed out some photos of our trip to use for the project. Inside the box, is a pic of a habitat that we viewed that I had enlarged to cover the back wall of the box.

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this case beauty, is subjective… a matter of preference and taste.

This is what we came up with. She already had the toy fish and turtle. The rest is tissue paper and colorful candy that we found at the Dollar Tree! Dollar Tree is always my favorite go to place for school projects! They never disappoint! On top you will see Amelia in a clam shell.

“The Bottom Of The Ocean”

As I mentioned, this post is all about, in eye of the beholder…

I put together a Cover arrangement of “Nights In White Satin”, Written by the Moody Blues. It evolved over an afternoon of playing my Yamaha MOX8 keyboard. I used a symphonic Large Section String (Voice) to play this in. Oh how I had fun with this! It was truly an amazing, spirit filled experience. The room was fun of beautiful, grand and full rich sound. I absolutely just got lost in the sound it. The most awesome afternoon that I’ve had to myself in a while. I love playing, arranging and writing in full symphony!

❤️ I believe it is where my authentic self lives…

Nights In White Satin (My Cover) 🎼SoundCloud

I posted this to my SoundCloud and on my YouTube channel.

Nights In White Satin YouTube Link

In the eye of the beholder and subjective to taste I’m sure but of what a glorious day it was for me. I will get around to playing this live and uploading the video to my YouTube channel later on this week.

Creating Your Own Personal Treasure Trove

It’s a journey and a lot of fun along the way. When you have no expectation other than competing with yourself, this, is wonderful!

When you give up worrying about getting somewhere and you take musical risks because you have nothing at all to lose it is freeing!

Here are a few things that I posted on YouTube and SoundCloud recently…

Escape Summer 2019 YouTube Video

This was a fun video to put together in iMovie. What a great way to use original music. Home photos and video footage of summer and of early fall. I will leave these on my YouTube channel. Audio/Video Scrapbooking with original content, every bit of it!

However, I used my iPhone 6 and the AudioCopy App to capture these tracks… very basic but yet I’m pretty pleased with them!

Here are a few of my indie SoundCloud tracks. It is so much fun to get into the realm of composing! I love listening to this original in full symphony form❤️. If I had pro recording equipment and I knew how to use it lol, this, would be better!

Piano Only Version “Escape”

“Escape” Symphonic Track

Lastly, every now and again I challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone. This is for sure way out of my comfort zone and many artists as well. Exactly why every wanna be singer should try it! A Cappella. This song choice is a David Bowie fave of mine. Never Let Me Down. The lyrics are so sweet and kind. All about true and meaningful friendship even in the worst of times. I listen to his original of this any time I need a friend! It has helped me through a lot of hard places in life. Intensely personal song…

Never Let Me Down A Cappella Cover

Since my SoundCloud Channel is all audio and about my artist expression, I think it fits here! Every now and again, I listen to several tracks of my SoundCloud Channel in succession. When I do, I’m pretty happy with the flow and vibe. I have to say that I love my SoundCloud Channel! I’m most proud of it vs. my YouTube Channel. YouTube is about production and trying to look good doing it. Blah!

SoundCloud is straight up music. I believe that the sound quality is better! I love ❤️, my SoundCloud Channel. I have been developing both channels for 6 years now. I have a lot of joy wrapped up in my tracks as well as many hours of effort.

If for no other reason, I will one day leave behind my work, Originals and Cover videos and audio for my children and grandkids to watch and listen to. The family videos and slideshows with them included…They will realize that even though the world didn’t view me this way, “Gram” was a rockstar lol! I hope they will get a kick out of this? Maybe they will think Gram/Mom, worked hard and loved to play music. I really hope that something clicks and they “get my music”. They could also just be embarrassed by the whole bit but I hope not! My hope is that they at least view me as brave and bold! A risk taker of sorts?

They will see authentic me and hopefully understand that you need to do what you are passionate about artistically! You have to feed the creative drive/desire to create, inside you!

The arts are so important to participate in. Artistic expression is such an amazing and great part of life and living!

Noteworthy Is A Subjective Opinion…

I worked on this Cover arrangement of relevant 70’s songs. All of which are well known. Here is the link to the video I posted to my YouTube channel yesterday!

I’m such a small fish in a very big YouTube sea. Please give this a listen as I have put a lot of effort into this Cover arrangement! I do hope that you like it! I find this to be a noteworthy 🎼 🤪 effort. ⬇️

70’s Cover Compilation

Today is the first day of school for this 3rd grader! I have to admit the quiet is a real welcome relief! It has been a non eventful summer. I’m sure she is glad to be back with her peers as well!

She didn’t take her friends to school with her today, this was earlier in the week. She took them to Costco lol.

My SoundCloud Channel Link

Check out Tyna J. Phipps on #SoundCloud

I have enjoyed putting this channel together. I have invested a lot of time and energy as well as a lot of myself in the music. I hope that you can find music to enjoy here. If you do, please subscribe to my channel and share my tracks! Please help me get my music heard!

My covers are all in my own style and interpretation. Not verbatim.

My originals are intricate and also my own style and from my heart. So far I am a solo artist. Although, I would love to be part of a big, grand and full sound with a band.

Here is a clip from a YouTube Channel Upload of an Original untitled, Don’t Wake Me From This Dream


This video doesn’t exist