The After Thanksgiving Decor Push Pull And Put Away

Like many of you, I’m decking my halls…In the process of decorating for Christmas. I have a lot of fun doing this but it is time consuming. Putting away fall and washing all of the linens… Digging in bins that are out in the garage for my Christmas goodies… Switching out the dishes for my Christmas set. A lot of back and forth… So far, this is what I’ve come up with.

The Christmas trees and outdoor decor are on the agenda for today.

I’m notorious for decorating my bathroom as well, it’s the family joke. The kids in my life always laugh at my bathroom decor. Hey if you have to spend time in there, you ought to have interesting things to look at lol…

Decking The Halls, The Front Yard Edition


Decking Our Halls, The Front Yard Edition…


This is how my outside decorating endeavor began. A ton of leaves. I raked up a whole trash bin of them. I must have raked for a good hour +. As I was raking, the leaves were falling. A never ending saga. My goal was to at least start with a green lawn. We trimmed trees and wrapped lights for hours. These leaves by the way, are beautiful fall colors this year! Usually when I rake for Christmas they are just brown and dead looking. This is a rare sight in our Phoenix, AZ yard! Reminds me of growing up in PA.! They were lovely, now they are in the trash can!

We worked and sweat, huffed and puffed. Up and down on the ladder all day… We stammered and swore even? No not this year… No swearing lol. Just sweat… Then finally, 9 hours later we arrived at “Our”, this years Christmas wonderland destination…


We still have the backyard and a train village to do! This is our prettiest to date, we are happy with it this year.

We had fun! This week I hope to finish and post one more Christmas song.


Decking The Halls, At My House.

Huey is back! I know Zoe is too old for this guy now but I still love the whimsy!



Zoe had her fill of tree trimming lol… Clarice was a big help lol. This cat wants to be a part of everything that I do, is it any wonder why I adore this creature?





We trimmed the trees. I put up my candy villiage, decorated the table, hutch and a bookcase. More to come. We have a train and large village to construct still…. Outdoor house and yard decorations are on the agenda for today. We are behind this year! We usually do all of this Thanksgiving weekend.
