The elf- ing has begun. The stockings are safely hung-

The stockings are safely hung…
The tree trimming is carefully done-

As well as the outdoor decor-

As well as the outdoor decor-

Wrapping paper all over my floor…

The cats are having fun-

Many carols are being sung-

Homemade candy in the mix-

Homemade candy in the mix-

Hanging out with ole Saint Nick-

More to come- The fun has just begun!

TikTok goes the clock-

YouTube- chimes in-

Instagram, X , Threads and LinkedIn all, for the win!

X- formerly Twitter- @TynaJoy

Facebook as well- I haven’t been posting much, can you tell?? 😂

WordPress, I must confess and I digress that I have loved this forum. Although now I realize, I have no audience and that I really bore them!

I send you Yuletide greetings and best wishes too. That this holiday season, brings great joy to you ❤️.

YouTube And TikTok Goes The Clock

Christmas Time 2023, let the decorating begin.

So much has been happening that I haven’t had the time to post. A lot of family dynamics good and bad. Busy and a reluctance to bore you lol!

Musically, I’ve been creating more content for my YouTube channel- Shorts have been fun to create as well. You’ll find a variety of content including my home life, cooking/ baking endeavors and my pet besties.

I also have a TikTok account where I post regularly.

I have chosen to create content because, it’s fun! I love experimenting with special effects and music. Another artful and creative outlet that keeps my mind busy.

Please check out my channels! Leave me a message while you’re there! Hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season ❤️.

-patio dwelling-

My Mind Games Escape

Below is the YouTube Link to a very special near and dear to me moment in time… – Mind Games, written by John Lennon, my cover music with home video. Found this old movie in my #iMovieTheater. The cover music was so much fun to create. The audio was created via #AudioCopy. It is actually a two different tracks capture. My basic piano track with a layered orchestra track. My kinda fun, my kinda day! This slideshow inspired tears this morning as I watched it. The kids have all grown up so much and, so fast! The audio reminds me of the special day of creating that felt magical. I remember the feeling of being completely engrossed and taken over. Escaping in the beauty of the composition and the spirit of the music. It just kind of took me somewhere else and I loved it❤️. A special spiritual type experience!

Planting My ❤️ Garden

I put together a couple of videos using some cover tracks that I made. I’ve decided that putting my home videos and photos with my music is a better way of capturing the essence. Sometimes I tell a story within my videos. I call it audio/video scrapbooking. I’ve posted these videos on my YouTube channel as well as TikTok and my Music Facebook page.

I’m thinking if the general public is somewhat interested then my kids and grandkids will be one day. If not now, then maybe after I’ve left the planet? They are all the stars in my videos. I’ve really enjoyed putting videos together of my life and our get togethers! I know that my son in laws have given me so much sh*! Especially in my early years of putting myself out there on YouTube. I have been the joke of the decade! The razzing turned into a deeply wounding, soul crushing embarrassment for me. It hasn’t stopped me though from putting myself out there and dreaming. The humbling has been deeply embedded in my relationships with them.

I heard all about how people doing silly and ridiculous things on YouTube we’re making a ton of money. While of course this Gram of 8 was putting herself out there musically for free. My savant like oddity of no real interest. I can tell you this, I have so enjoyed the gift! Playing and feeling a spiritual connection has been absolutely amazing. Between me and my maker, it has been the most personal fulfilling experience of my life❤️.

Having recently found out that both of my parents were deeply rooted in musical theater, it all makes sense. The DNA explains my desire to perform music! We are all here to explore our talents and special gifts. I truly believe that DNA has a lot to do with our interests and individuality.

Anyway, here are a few new links to check out. – My Visit Home To The Central Coast Of California

Fool’s Overture The Soundtrack Of My Life And Video Scrapbook

I hope you enjoy my videos. They are authentic and near and dear to me.

I also hope that you are all enjoying whatever makes your heart sing! Find that creative outlet that frees you and defines your spirit! That’s ultimately what we are here for since none of us get to leave the planet with monetary things. We take with us those things within our spirit that define our souls!

Adding some color to the yard…
*Plant your garden where you can see it… The flowers are the fruit you will leave behind and, take with you❤️*

Happy 4th of July 2022 From Me To You

Happy 4th of July! I made this simple cake last evening. It’s a simple strawberry cake. Baking is a happy place for me. I guess it’s a creative outlet.
My Granddaughters Amelia & Elizabeth. These are my daughter Britt’s fur babies. I recently spent a night watching the kids while my daughter was away previewing Texas.

I just recently poured a ton of energy and elbow grease into getting my house ready to sell. If you have ever tried to live in a house you need to show, you know of my hard effort. Constant cleaning! I’ve lived in this house for 17 years. Although I clean all of the time, deep cleaning and some touch up painting was necessary I felt.

By the time we listed the house, the interest rates had gone up and the selling market here came to a stand still. We missed the great selling market by a few weeks! It was rather an experiment any way. Kind of like fishing to see what you can get. I got a very clean house with some small but appreciated repairs out of it. I worked very hard to get show worthy. We had 2 “Open Houses“, a total of 3 people came to both showings. So, decided now isn’t the time to sell.

I repainted my cabinets …
Yard work like crazy in extremely hot Phoenix temps. I’m glad to be done trying to keep it swept and trimmed in the middle of monsoon season. It was a continuous effort leaving me spent.
I’m loving my house again!

I had to put my keyboard in the garage… I was so hoping for a larger house so that I could have a space to play my keyboard. I do love my house though. I’m not sad to be staying in this house. This, was my inheritance. I purchased it in 2005. It’s complicated now and I would lose half should I divorce… A terrible reason to be stuck in a marriage but, my plight.

I feel it to my core every day and have for years and years. Ask anyone who stays in a marriage made in hell and they will tell you layers upon layers created their situation. It’s never one thing, it’s layers of things that are overwhelming and it becomes easier to stay rather than facing the inevitable losses.

I suppose an element of losing an inheritance becomes a sense of letting your family and deceased relatives down. Prideful maybe? Or just realistic and practical? Ugh. Or a shared responsibility in giving someone the power to control your destiny… especially when they remind you on the daily what you’ll lose if you go. I should only hope that there is a special place for those who choose to attempt to control people in this manner.

However daunting I’ve found my life experience, it did result in personal creativity. I’ve written songs and poetry about my life and my circumstances. Cathartic accounting of my darkest and happiest days!

Something More is a song that I wrote about this very plight.

Escape a symphonic layered track that I composed…

Lost In The Game my original!

I’ll Dream Of You Tonight my original, romance novel in a song lol

I make the best of each day, so much more than my situation in my life is amazing! So many things to be grateful for and so much love to be had!

3 of my daughters and a sweet gal like a daughter to me!
My Luna

Adding The Colors Of The Rainbow To My Muted Life

Rainbows are indeed one of my favorite illusions… They inspire hopefulness! I always wish on rainbows when I see them.

I’ve had an opportunity to take some quiet time to enjoy my kids, grandkids and my hopes for them! I’m still playing cheerleader as Mom’s usually are. Everyone needs a cheerleader or even a whole cheerleading squad! Encouraging the good in people and situations is where I tend to focus. It’s easy to hear, see and speak the bad. I’m trying not to go there in my mind. A personal challenge this week. Im putting my rose colored glasses back on. It is what I want to see in and of this world!

Clarice has become more trusting and loving in her 12 years of life. She used to be terrified of people. Love heals all creatures I think.

My cat Edward has been having a health issue that I’ve been giving him an antibiotic for twice daily. We are at nearly two weeks of medication that seems torturous for him! Makes me sad to have to force feed him meds out of a syringe. He still loves me! He must have a sense that I’m trying to help him?

He must be feeling better. I haven’t seen him climb a tree in a very long time!
Britt and my G-son Tom. Hard to believe he’s learning to drive! He’s my oldest G-kid. I had a lovely lunch out with these lovelies! Fun! We had lunch where my daughter Delcee is executive server. It’s fun to see her in action. She’s excellent with customer service. A hard working gal with years of experience… Humble, sweet and kind. Kicking butt in life with her kids being her main focus… I’m so proud of both of these successful gals! They are nice people who love their families wholeheartedly ❤️.
Here they are together…
I took a few minutes to create this ticky tacky, but colorful centerpiece for my kitchen table. I love a little bit of color, ok a lot of color. I think we need color in our lives since our lives still feel a bit muted.

Speaking of muted, I hope you will unmute your volume settings and hop on over to my YouTube channel.

for this recent cover video I’ve posted to YouTube. Here’s the link. ▶️ Praying For Time Cover .

Thanks for taking the subscribe to my channel while you’re there 😉.

Have a wonderful rest of your week ❤️!

2021 Get Off My Back

What a heck of a time! I’m all over the place in trying to keep my life going in holiday tradition and juggling health appointments. I woke up one night in late Sept. with extreme vertigo and other strange symptoms that are like head cold symptoms on steroids… Although the extreme vertigo has calmed to dizziness every day, all day… Have seen two different primary docs, two different ENT docs and now I have a neurologist. Covid has made getting health care difficult! Wait times to get into a doc and to schedule testing has been very difficult. It’s been hard to be patient when my head has been spinning for almost 4 months now. Extremely scary and so uncomfortable but non life threatening… Preliminaries indicate a vestibular issue with probable inner ear dysfunction.

Today I’m having a series of balance tests that are to determine where in my vestibular system the problem lies. I’m not looking forward to testing as it will make my dizziness much worse for the diagnostic tests. The VNG test being most informative according to the neurologist. Part of me is wondering how this series of tests are beneficial? I’m just exhausted with not having my head back yet. It feels awful, the sensations and the constant dizziness. I’ve had hearing issues and my sinus cavity at times has a pins and needles sensation up the back of my head as well… I feel run down and just dim like flu sometimes… it’s just a bunch of annoyingly weird sensations! Sometimes my ears feel so plugged up, I get high blood pressure. Something I don’t typically have!

In August I noticed a bump on my back that was itchy and it burned. It was in a spot that I couldn’t see well even in the mirror. Like in the small of my back. Long story short while I was at the primary in September I showed it to my Dr. At a separate appointment in October he biopsied and burnt it off my back. Pathology report came back positive for squamous cell skin cancer. Totally shocked me. Again a random thing that popped up overnight! I just had a follow up surgery at a skin cancer center on Monday. Again, getting into a Dr and getting to resolution of this has taken months! I am grateful to have had the Mohs procedure and to be deemed all clear of skin cancer! I have about 18 stitches inside and out of the incision. Not quite the small procedure I thought it would be but I’m just glad to be done and deemed cancer free.

I was extremely healthy and very active before this came on suddenly… I’m still active in-spite of this constant issue I still take long walks and do a lot of yard and housework. Just don’t feel good doing it! Part of me wonders if I had a case of breakthrough long Covid? Or maybe my Pfizer vaccine had some nasty effects??? Or maybe I’m just terribly allergic to my newish border collie???? Awww that would really be sad.

They take photos and measurements after surgery. This is my surgeons hand… Thankfully they got it all with the first resection of tissue…

Anyway, I’m so glad to be getting these things done before the New Year. I don’t want to take these weird health issues into 2022! I’m frustrated that I wasn’t able to get my head issue resloved yet! The major expensive things I’m hoping I tackled in this calendar year! Today is the balance testing and hopefully I can get an easy treatment plan that will actually resolve this issue out of it.

Those of you who read and follow my blog are probably aware of what a trying year I have had. Emotional and physical trials like no other year I’ve ever had! The most heartache and physical challenges! So this I have to say about 2021…

2021, literally and figuratively get off my back!!! I’m looking forward to a brand new year full of promise and a fresh start.

In spite of everything I had a wonderful Christmas! All 8 of my G-kids were here and it was an awesome day. I cooked and cleaned and the spirit of Christmas was wonderful ❤️

First pic of me with all 8 G-Kids! The boys tower over me now! Incredible!

Wishing you and yours a healthy and terrific New Years Celebration. Take time to set some goals and spend some time on reflection… Never give up on your dreams!

Speaking of dreams… Roger Hodgson, I’m still hoping to meet you one day- Face to face ❤️…!

Lost And Found A Winning Weekend

Greetings from Phoenix AZ. It’s still pretty warm but we are getting through a more mild summer here. We had a really productive monsoon season and that has helped to keep the valley cooler than in many years I recall here.

I have done a lot of walking and chasing my tail this week. With headphones on, listening to my favorite playlist, I managed to drop my house keys out of my pocket. Because I was walking and listening to music, I only discovered this after I returned from my 4mi. walk! As you can see below, I retraced my steps like 3 different times. I realized that someone had picked them up early into my search… I was annoyed that someone would do that. I learned a valuable lesson. If you find keys or important things like that, leave them! The owner will attempt to retrace their steps and if you pick them up and take them, they won’t be able to find them!

I put 12 mi. on my feet trying to find them! I was just so focused on finding them. I got a verbal bashing several times for being such an idiot and losing the keys… All day, I heard about how stupid I am.

Long story short, I posted about losing the keys on our community Facebook page. Sure enough, an older lady in the neighborhood had picked them up while walking her pooch. I am so grateful to have found them! That will teach me to stuff my pockets with water, keys and tissues… oh well, I got some good exercise.

The storms made a real mess out of the backyard so I spent a morning and afternoon in yard clean up.

The winter grass died and we didn’t reseed this year with Bermuda… we can reseed at the end of this month when the night time temps begin to get cooler.
Looking forward to cooler temps and patio dwelling!
This little gal loves eating Korean food. She has grown to love spicy food. Here is one of my favorites, a Korean pancake. We grabbed a bite Friday night.

I’m going to bake something for Labor Day. I’ll have to dig around and see what I can come up with. I hope you have a spectacular holiday!

Meanwhile, I’m going to focus on the “Win”. Those things that your spirit acknowledges you can do. Accomplishment feels good when you can get it. “All you’ve got to do is, win… Here are the lyrics for “Win”.

Me, I hope that I’m crazy
I feel you driving and you’re only the wheel
Slow down, let someone love you
Oh, I’ve never touched you since I started to feel
If there’s nothing to hide me
Then you’ve never seen me hanging naked and wired
Somebody lied, I say it’s hip
To be alive
Now your smile is spreading thin
Seems you’re trying not to lose
Since I’m not supposed to win
All you’ve got to do is win
That’s all you gotta do (ooh, it ain’t over)
Me, I’m fresh on your pages
Secret thinker sometimes listening aloud
Life lies dumb on its heroes
Wear your wound with honor, make someone proud
Someone like you should not be allowed
To start any fires
Now your smile is spreading thin
Seems you’re trying not to lose
Since I’m not supposed to win
All you’ve got to do is win
That’s all you gotta do (ooh, it ain’t over)
Now your smile is spreading thin
Seems you’re trying not to lose
Since I’m not supposed to win
All you’ve got to do is win
That’s all you gotta do (all you got to do is win)
Now your smile is spreading thin (seek and believe in you)
Seems you’re trying not to lose (it ain’t over, no no)
Since I’m not supposed to grin (that’s all you got to do)
All you’ve got to do is win (it ain’t over, no, oh)
(Seek and believe in you)
All you’ve got to do is win (it ain’t over, no, no)
Woo hooh, all you’ve got
Is all you’ve got
(It ain’t over)
It ain’t over

Win written by David Bowie. My Cover- SoundCloud-

Win Cover – YouTube Channel Link

Have a great weekend celebration ❤️.