Happy 4th of July 2022 From Me To You

Happy 4th of July! I made this simple cake last evening. It’s a simple strawberry cake. Baking is a happy place for me. I guess it’s a creative outlet.
My Granddaughters Amelia & Elizabeth. These are my daughter Britt’s fur babies. I recently spent a night watching the kids while my daughter was away previewing Texas.

I just recently poured a ton of energy and elbow grease into getting my house ready to sell. If you have ever tried to live in a house you need to show, you know of my hard effort. Constant cleaning! I’ve lived in this house for 17 years. Although I clean all of the time, deep cleaning and some touch up painting was necessary I felt.

By the time we listed the house, the interest rates had gone up and the selling market here came to a stand still. We missed the great selling market by a few weeks! It was rather an experiment any way. Kind of like fishing to see what you can get. I got a very clean house with some small but appreciated repairs out of it. I worked very hard to get show worthy. We had 2 “Open Houses“, a total of 3 people came to both showings. So, decided now isn’t the time to sell.

I repainted my cabinets …
Yard work like crazy in extremely hot Phoenix temps. I’m glad to be done trying to keep it swept and trimmed in the middle of monsoon season. It was a continuous effort leaving me spent.
I’m loving my house again!

I had to put my keyboard in the garage… I was so hoping for a larger house so that I could have a space to play my keyboard. I do love my house though. I’m not sad to be staying in this house. This, was my inheritance. I purchased it in 2005. It’s complicated now and I would lose half should I divorce… A terrible reason to be stuck in a marriage but, my plight.

I feel it to my core every day and have for years and years. Ask anyone who stays in a marriage made in hell and they will tell you layers upon layers created their situation. It’s never one thing, it’s layers of things that are overwhelming and it becomes easier to stay rather than facing the inevitable losses.

I suppose an element of losing an inheritance becomes a sense of letting your family and deceased relatives down. Prideful maybe? Or just realistic and practical? Ugh. Or a shared responsibility in giving someone the power to control your destiny… especially when they remind you on the daily what you’ll lose if you go. I should only hope that there is a special place for those who choose to attempt to control people in this manner.

However daunting I’ve found my life experience, it did result in personal creativity. I’ve written songs and poetry about my life and my circumstances. Cathartic accounting of my darkest and happiest days!

Something More is a song that I wrote about this very plight.

Escape a symphonic layered track that I composed…

Lost In The Game my original!

I’ll Dream Of You Tonight my original, romance novel in a song lol

I make the best of each day, so much more than my situation in my life is amazing! So many things to be grateful for and so much love to be had!

3 of my daughters and a sweet gal like a daughter to me!
My Luna

Simply Something More

Zoe playing lacrosse in a game yesterday. She just happened to get the ball and I snapped a pic.

This will give Zoe leadership opportunity that will help her on a college application. Not to mention a personally enriching experience I bet. Thrilled for her to have this opportunity!

Plenty is going on here but I took an afternoon yesterday to have some me time!

Something More

Click on the link⬆️

This pie has molasses in it and it caramelized. It tastes like pumpkin flan lol. It tastes better than it looks…

One of my grown daughters was extremely ill a few days ago. Diagnosed with pneumonia after having the flu last week. She never gets sick like this so I decided to make a big couple of pots of soup. Chicken, barley and a ton of different vegetables went into this soup. Loaded with vitamins and some protein I wanted to make a hot meal that I thought might help her recover.

I was pretty worried when I saw this!⬇️

She had just gotten back from the Dr. with a bunch of meds she was preparing to take when she sent me this pic! I’m glad to say that the meds kicked in quickly and she is doing and feeling a whole lot better! Scary!

Anyway, I bought a nice loaf of crusty bread and boiled some wide egg noodles for options to go with the soup. Delcee really appreciated the soup. She kept telling me how it really helped. I think she really appreciated being able to have a cooked meal for her kids to eat that she didn’t have to worry about making. That was my hope anyway…

Home improvement is always ongoing. The joys of home ownership. We have had the drapes for about 3 months but we didn’t have time to put them up. Finally got around to covering these new windows which are 18 months old now lol. Like a herd of turtles…

I am thrilled with the outcome!

I had these other panels that I bought a few years ago. I thought I would try to sell them but instead I decided to hang them in the dining room. A mini make-over in my entire front room. I’m loving them as well!

Yesterday was our first 100 degree day of this year. 100 degrees on April 10! What will summer be like, that’s a little concerning lol. Today won’t be that warm here in Phoenix. Maybe just 95… Already getting hot!

Thanksgiving Tidings And Blessings To All

This is a current 1st grade homework assignment that Amelia and I just finished. We had fun putting this together. I hope her teacher will like it.

I spent the morning on my original music! Tightening it up and daydreaming of actually professionally recording this. I have a whole vision for an album. How I wish I could record an album! Oh what an amazing dream come true that would be! Wow! Anyway, if you are interested, check out my SoundCloud Channel!

Here are the links to my uploads for today


I Want This Night To Last Forever

The Queen Of Something More

I had a great day with a ton of creative energy. Yesterday, I recorded this video together for my YouTube channel.

Nous Vivons Ensemble written by Gordon Lightfoot

This video, carries a message and tidings for a wonderful Thanksgiving to all of you. Those of you who support and acknowledge my creative endeavors, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Wishing you a wonderful, happy and healthy fun celebration! Enjoy a peaceful holiday!

Friday The 13th Prosperity Day

Friday the 13th…the optimist in me wants to believe that it is entirely possible to have an extraordinarily exceptional day today! I could even ponder a daydream of having my dreams realized on a day like today.  On a day not likely to be synonymous with good fortune and prosperity. I don’t know what that says about me other than my intense desire to beat the odds. My dreams of pursuing a music career in which people from all walks of life and geography choose to like and support my musical endeavors. I dream of acquiring an extensive and awesome following… So much of life and success is about visualizing what you want to accomplish. Never give up…😄

⬇️ click on the links

*For Real One Night (my original)
*Eye On The Prize written by Tyna J Metzner

Fake it till you make it! Right?!!!

something more than nothing

tynajoymetznerMusic, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life

something more than nothing
Trying new sounds in my originals. I happen to like this piano voice. This song is authentic to my circumstance. It has evolved into itself. I love the whole creative song writing process. For me the chords just kind of came to me and took shape. The more that I play this, the more refined it becomes.

The feeling of creating a song is an acknowledgment to your truest self. Your hopes, life choices and frustrations all get a nod when you create from within your spirit.
something more than nothing, is an acknowledgment of my spirit that I seek change and, to do more with my life. I wrote this at a time in my life when everyone and everything was changing but me. As if I suddenly realized that I haven’t yet put my mark upon this earth! It was a reminder to me that I haven’t yet fulfilled my deep seated, engrained desire to accomplish something!

Goodbye Middle School Hello Escape Medal Of Honor

Finished! Done! Completed! 8th Grade, Middle School and, this song…

Here is my Original YouTube video.

Escape – Who Controls The Stars

image image image image

Zoe is amazing and is such an icredible scholarly student. I/we had no idea that she was getting an award let alone this one! She has been a straight A student all of the way through! Proud Mom moment!!!

The Struggle Is Real

*Something More Than Nothing written by Tyna J. Metzner
Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon described in 1973 in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.

The struggle is real… Living with Domestic Violence is very much like this…⬆️ 

Overcoming the psychology of prolonged abuse, is the hardest part of truly getting away… It follows you.

*Something More Than Nothing written by Tyna J. Metzner
Thanks for listening!  

Maybe one day, I’ll be able to help make a difference in combatting this global plight…That would be a dream in itself! If I had money to throw at a cause, this would surely be the one. This would be my mission!